Getting the Most Out of the EANS 1 Amendment Process

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  5. Getting the Most Out of the EANS 1 Amendment Process
Sophie LeFevre |
November 4, 2021 |
For Schools |

As we’ve begun to adjust to school during the pandemic, our understanding of what supplies and services best serve students may have changed. Fortunately, there is a way to reallocate previously assigned EANS funds towards eligible products and services.

The amendment process is quite simple. To get started, simply modify the spreadsheet submitted for the original – or most recently amended—application and re-submit the form. Easy as that! (Be sure to check with your state’s Department of Education to see if there are additional instructions, such as color coding line items.)

For example, say your school originally wanted to spend $130,000 on supplies from Company X but decides to take $30,000 and spend it on personnel with Company Y instead—just open the spreadsheet you originally submitted and adjust the $130,000 down to $100,000 for Company X. Then, add a new $30,000 line item for spending with Company Y.

Some ways reallocated funds could be used:

  • Cleaning educational facilities and ordering personal protective equipment

  • Placing instructional aids, nurses, counselors, etc. at your school

  • Creating after-school activities to address learning loss

  • Offering COVID testing and contact tracing

  • Utilizing educational technology to aid in remote or hybrid learning.

If your school could use assistance in finding, vetting, and onboarding enriching third-party activity providers to help address learning loss, we have education consultants on standby and ready to help.

Visit to learn more, or click here to schedule a time to discuss possibilities with one of our education consultants.


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash.