Step 1: Start with a survey
Before you do anything, it’s important to get an idea of what programs people are most interested in. You can do this by sending out a survey to students, parents, and staff members. Asking questions about interests and availability will give you a good understanding of what kinds of programs people would like to see offered.
Step 2: Begin sourcing programs
This is the most difficult part of the process and will take the most time. You can reach out to teachers and/or community partners to find the best programs available and determine who is able to serve at your school. Having your schedules and contracts ready to go helps this process move along faster.
Step 3: Set up online registration
If you do steps one and two perfectly but don’t make it easy for parents to register, it can result in far less student participation than expected. Make sure you have a system in place where people can easily find and sign up for programs. Having a page where parents can view all available activities, register and, if needed, make a payment will help boost your participation.
At AfterSchool HQ we have created a platform that makes it easy for you to publish programs online and enable parents to register in less than 5 minutes – and all from their mobile phones.
Getting after-school activities going again might seem overwhelming, but there are ways to make it easier than before, with much greater impact. By following these three simple steps, bringing back after-school activities will be smoother than ever.
If you want to learn more about how AfterSchool HQ helps get your programs up and running, contact our team for more information! We are happy to help!
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels.