Tackling Juvenile Crime With After-School Activities

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  5. Tackling Juvenile Crime With After-School Activities
Tatiana Givens |
November 18, 2021 |
For Schools |

In the hours following the end of the school day, children and adolescents are more likely to commit or become victims of violent crimes. This reality is exacerbated if they do not have a safe environment that reinforces the skills they are learning in school.

High-quality after-school programs—such as those awarded AfterSchool HQ (AHQ) approval—provide students with the opportunity to learn in a safe environment outside of the classroom and can help to reduce crime by offering constructive alternatives during these peak juvenile crime hours.

According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), carefully implemented programs offered outside of school time (as well as during regular school time) encourage positive behaviors and academic improvement, as well as reduce disruptive behavior and emotional distress. Studies conducted by CASEL show that after-school programs can have both short- and long-term academic and behavioral benefits, including reduced crime. The most effective programs incorporate sequenced, active, focused, and explicit (SAFE) activities that complement the student’s grade-level instruction.

Nearly three out of five students in a meta-analysis of 75 studies and 68 after-school programs across the country showed improvements in behavior in and out of the classroom. They also reported improved math and reading grades, improved their homework completion and class participation, received higher GPAs, and were overall, more likely to graduate. Increasing graduation rates is essential to reducing crime, given that 7 out of 10 inmates in state prisons nationwide do not have a high school diploma compared to fewer than 3 in 10 of the general population.

Unfortunately, too many children lack access to after-school programs—This is where we come in. Our mission is to connect students with engaging programs that ignite their passions. We do that by enabling schools to partner with great after-school program providers in their communities.

After-school enrichment programs create learning opportunities that students look forward to year after year. Students get to participate in programs they choose, which creates additional incentives for better in-school performance. Students discover their gifts and talents while creating close bonds with peers who share their passions. AfterSchool HQ works to keep students learning and engaged, in person and online!

To learn more about how AfterSchool HQ can improve outcomes for children and youth and advance the safety of our communities, visit myahq.com/about or click here to schedule time to discuss possibilities with one of our educational consultants.


Data provided from:

1. Afterschool Alliance. America After 3pm Infographics (http://www.afterschoolalliance.org/AA3PM/)
2. A Meta-Analysis of After-School Programs That Seek to Promote Personal and Social Skills in Children and Adolescents: American Journal of Community Psychology. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/42346373_A_Meta-Analysis_of_After-School_Programs_That_Seek_to_Promote_Personal_and_Social_Skills_in_Children_and_Adolescents)


Photo by kyo azuma on Unsplash.